Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be stressful and time-consuming. Fortunately, you needn’t do so alone. Instead, an experienced social worker can help you navigate this tricky process. As a result, you should have a higher chance of acceptance.

A social worker is a human services professional. Of course, there are many different types of social workers. Some offer counseling. Others connect people with jobs and career training. Still others aid children in protective care. And those are just a few of the roles that social workers play.

Some social workers specialize in serving individuals with disabilities. Known as disability social workers, these dedicated professionals understand how various medical conditions affect people’s lifestyles and careers.

If you’d like to collaborate with a social worker, you can speak to your physician or another healthcare provider about how to get in touch with one.

Here are some of the ways a social worker could help you with your SSD application.

1. Advice and Explanations

To start with, a social worker could answer all of your questions about SSD procedures. He or she could also discuss the differences between various government programs and review the specific benefits of each one.

2. Financial Info

In addition, your social worker could calculate how much your SSD payments would amount to and what portion of that money would be taxable. That way, you’ll be able to put together an accurate monthly budget.

3. Writing Your Official Statement

A crucial part of your SSD application will be a letter that describes your condition and the reasons why you’re physically unable to work. With your social worker’s assistance, this document ought to be more persuasive and compelling.

4. Introducing You to Specialists

Your social worker might give you the names of local medical professionals who specialize in your particular disability. Likewise, he or she may recommend doctors with strong track records of helping patients earn SSD benefits.

Indeed, the right medical professionals will describe your condition in ways that are likely to convince SSD officials of your need for benefits.

5. Keeping Track

Not least, your social worker could track all of your SSD paperwork. In particular, she or he could ensure that you have information about every medical appointment and every change in your condition.

6. Peace of Mind

Just knowing that you can get on the phone with your social worker whenever you’d like to might make you feel better about this whole process. As with many endeavors in life, it’s easier and more pleasant to collaborate with someone else than it is to go it alone.

Watch our video for more information.


Finally, while most social workers are extremely supportive and knowledgeable, it’s also important to hire a qualified and reputable disability attorney. This lawyer can review your case in depth, finalize all of your application materials, retrieve any missing documents, communicate with the Social Security Administration, serve as your representative at hearings and file your appeal if necessary.

In the end, with a social worker to provide guidance and an attorney to speak on your behalf and handle all complicated legal proceedings, your path toward SSD benefits will be as smooth as it could be. For just that kind of legal expertise, please feel free to contact The Good Law Group at any time.