Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is intimidating. It’s a complicated process, and one you shouldn’t have to deal with on your own. For construction workers and disabled individuals, your health and financial security are paramount. Your health directly impacts your ability to perform on the job–SSDI offers you the peace of mind you need.

Young workers have a one-in-three chance of death or disability before retirement. It can be frightening to think about, but injuries and disabilities are an unfortunate reality that construction workers must contend with.

I’m a Construction Worker: Does This Help Me?

Spending your life working with your hands only to become disabled due to factors outside your control is more than stressful, it’s downright terrifying. SSDI can alleviate some of the financial stress associated with a disability: you shouldn’t need to worry about finances during your recovery. 

Construction isn’t an easy profession. As the average age of construction workers increases, injuries and disabilities become more common. SSDI exists to help protect you and your family in the case of a disability.

For construction workers (especially part-time individuals), health insurance plans can be lacking. SSDI means you have an established path to benefits in the event you need them.

What is SSDI, and How Do I Qualify?

SSDI is a program that offers monthly Social Security disability payments to qualified people under the age of 65. This financial assistance program is open to all workers who have maintained qualified employment for a period of time (meaning you’ve paid into the Social Security System).

A common misconception is that only workers over a certain age qualify for SSDI. That’s not the case–SSDI exists to help cover the needs of disabled people of all ages.

SSDI qualification is unfortunately rather complicated. If you’re injured or disabled, dealing with a stack of legal papers and government regulations is the last thing you want. You’ll want to consult with a qualified Social Security Disability attorney to determine your eligibility requirements–everyone’s case is different.

Quick Disability Determinations

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers Quick Disability Determinations (QDD) in order to quickly extend benefits to qualified claimants. Worried about spending months processing paperwork to qualify for SSDI? QDDs allow the SSA to hurry the decision process and enable you to receive benefits in a matter of days. QDDs are based on the severity of the disability–if you clearly meet the disability standards of the SSA, you’ll have a lot less to worry about.

SGA Threshold and Back-to-work Trial Periods

Substantial gainful activity (SGA) is the level of work a person is able to perform. If a disabled person engages in SGA that goes over the limit, they will lose their eligibility for SSDI. The SSA sets the SGA threshold at $1,180 (non-blind person) and $1,970 (blind person).

After qualifying for SSDI, you may be able to return to work without losing benefits. You’re able to return to work for up to nine months in a set five year period.

SGA thresholds and trial work periods are complicated elements of disability law. Checking with a disability attorney ensures that you can receive the benefits to which you’re entitled.

Go With the Good Law Group

Good health is the cornerstone of a good life. Take the stress and strain of applying for SSDI benefits and put it aside–let the Good Law Group help you with this difficult process. We combine personal service and over thirty years of experience to ensure that your unique needs are met. Focus on your health, and let us do the rest.