If you’re a veteran who experiences an illness or injury due to your time in the military, then you may qualify for veterans disability benefits. However, it’s important to understand the basics of veteran’s disability benefits if you want to take advantage of them. Here are some key considerations and steps to take when filing for Veterans disability benefits.

Understand the Basics of Veterans Disability Benefits

Veteran’s disability benefits are benefits for any person in the military who suffered an injury during active duty that resulted in a disability. There are several types of benefits you can take advantage of if you qualify, such as tax-free monthly payments to assist with medical and living expenses. Veteran’s disability benefits may include benefits for housing grants and pensions, too. However, qualifying for veterans disability benefits means you must be eligible to apply.

Determine Eligibility and Understand the Requirements

One of the primary requirements to qualify for eligibility includes separation or an honorable discharge from the service. Also, your disability must be the result of an injury or disease that had occurred while you’re in active duty, inactive training or active training, such as severe hearing loss or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You may also qualify if you have a presumed disability, such as exposure to toxic chemicals during active duty that later cause an illness. It’s important to be specific about your medical conditions and list them as this is a crucial step in determining your eligibility properly.

Know the Application Process

The application process involves applying online at the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs or VA’s official website and filling out a series of questions. You’ll need your discharge or separation papers, medical evidence from your doctors’ and hospital reports that confirm your disability. You will also need to fill out the dependency record, including information about your spouse and children as well as provide birth certificates.

You may also apply via mail or in person at a VA regional office. You can also complete this process if you are approaching your discharge. After the VA receives all the necessary information, it reviews your files and determines your disability rating. Your disability rating determines the severity of your illness connected to service and how much you can expect to receive. As of December 2018, it takes an average of 109.6 days for the VA to make a decision about your application.

Know the Benefits

Once you are approved for veterans disability benefits, you will receive access to a whole host of benefits, such as:

  • Disability Compensation. This is a tax-free monetary benefit that you receive. You can use this compensation to pay post-service disabilities that are considered related or secondary disabilities that occurred in service. Basic rates start at $140.05 per month when you have no children and go as high as $3,625.99 monthly based on a veteran who has a spouse, two parents in the home and a child.
  • Dependency and Indemnity Compensation. You can also expect to receive compensation for your dependents with this tax-free monetary benefit in the event you die during active duty or training. This benefit is paid to the surviving spouse, parent, or child of the veteran.
  • Special Monthly Compensation. This is also tax-free and is used if the person needs additional care, such as help from an aide to take care of your injury. Also, if you lose your hand or leg, your surviving spouse, parent or child may receive this special monthly compensation.
  • Other. Additional benefits include housing and insurance benefits, such as adapted housing grants, Veteran’s Mortgage, life insurance and Disable Veteran’s Insurance.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the basics of veterans disability benefits and the application process is important for knowing what to expect when you make a claim. By knowing this information, you can improve your potential to qualify for veterans disability benefits.

Do you need any assistance with obtaining Veteran’s Disability Benefits? Consider the Good Law Group for your legal representation.