If you have filed for Social Security Disability, chances are you will be denied initially. Only 30% of all applicants are granted benefits after their first application. Those are staggeringly poor odds. Most applicants end up having to appeal this decision in order to get the benefits that they need. The high rate of denials is just one reason that you might need to look at your SSD files. In fact, all applicants should apply for a copy of their file. Fortunately, you can gain access to this information if you follow the correct procedure.

Why You Need to Get Your Files from the SSA

If your initial claim is denied, you will need to understand why it was denied before you attend an appeal hearing before a judge. The denial may have been due to lack of medical evidence, your income level, or your lack of cooperation with medical advice. Fortunately, you may be able to challenge these assertions if you understand the Social Security Administration’s (SSA)reasoning.

There are other reasons to request your file. For instance, you may already be drawing these benefits but facing a review by the SSA. Acquiring your file is a good idea so you can understand how the SSA is determining your benefits and correct any misinformation that they have.

In both instances, your most sensible course is to hire a disability attorney. If you do, your counsel will need to study your file so they can offer you the best representation.

How to Request Your SSD Files

Fortunately, you have the right to request a copy of your Social Security records, and the government makes receiving these records rather simple. You can either call the toll-free number, #(847) 577-4476 , or visit your local office to make the request. The records will have to be mailed to you, so do not expect to receive them while you are at the office.

When you request your records by phone, you will need to provide the representative with your date of birth, your social security number and your mailing address. At the local office, you will also be asked personal information to prove your identity. You should receive your records in one to two weeks, but you should not delay in making your request. If your records do not arrive by the end of the two week period, contact your local social security office or call the toll-free number once more.

The Good Law Group has 30 years of experience. They understand what information the SSA needs in order to make a favorable determination. They also ensure that your claim meets all deadlines and that the application is complete. If your claim is not completed correctly, you face certain rejection and a delay in disability benefits.

An experienced legal team can improve your odds of winning the disability benefits that you need and deserve.

Only three people in ten receive their SSD benefits on the first try. Understanding the SSA’s thinking is vital and receiving a copy of your records can help you in this regard. More importantly, enlisting the help of an experienced SSD law firm will make it much more likely that you will be approved for your benefits.