Are SSDI and SSI welfare programs? Learn about the differences of each program and their qualifications.

SSDI and SSI have quite similar names, but these government programs have substantial differences. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are two distinctive programs and it is important for potential applicants to know the distinction between the two.

Social Security Disability Benefits

SSDI is a benefit that applicants earn and it is financed by the Social Security taxes that are paid by workers and employers. As a result, SSDI benefits are based on an applicant’s work record, just like retirement benefits, and are not considered to be welfare.

SSDI’s focus is on providing assistance to applicants with physical impairments that are so severe as to prevent those persons from otherwise engaging in normal work. For a physical deficiency to be considered severe enough to qualify for SSDI, it must be considered as having the potential to last at least 12 months or end in the applicant’s death.

Applying for SSDI can be a relatively short process if the applicant has a serious medical condition outlined on the Social Security Administration’s Compassionate Allowance List . However, if an applicant does not have a condition on that list, the application process can be much longer and involve judicial proceedings such as appeals and administrative hearings.

Supplement Security Income Benefits

SSI is a welfare program that is funded by the government and is financed by the general revenues of the U.S. Treasury Department. SSI pays benefits to low-income people at the age of 65 or older, to disabled or blind adults, and disabled or blind children. However, because of its strict financial requirements, SSI is only available to persons with limited assets and income.

Social Security Disability Benefits

SSI benefits are not related to an applicant’s work record like SSDI benefits. SSI pays eligible individuals or couples a fixed amount of money per month, though the specific amount may be lowered depending on if an applicant has work income.

To qualify for SSI, the Social Security Administration (SSA) evaluates all of an applicant’s resources including money, personal property, and other assets. If an applicant’s assets do not exceed the SSA’s specific SSI financial limits benefits may be paid to applicants.

Two Programs, One Administration

Though these two programs are quite distinctive, the SSA manages both SSDI and SSI benefits. If you are wondering if you qualify for benefits for SSDI or SSI your best first step before application is to consult with an experienced attorney who has worked on both SSI and SSDI cases.

The Law Office of Neil H. Good has over 25 years of experience in helping claimants win SSDI and SSI cases. For a free case evaluation, please contact attorney Neil H. Good online or call #(847) 577-4476.