Fast and Favorable Decision

Extreme Disability Can Bring About a Prompt Ruling.

In some cases, a disability is so extreme and a case so clear that advocates seek a ruling as soon as possible. And sometimes the Social Security Administration listens.

That is the case with a 46-year-old man who recently was found disabled “due to kidney failure, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and retina disease that are so severe that you are unable to perform any work existing in significant numbers in the national economy.”

That was the ruling by a judge in the Social Security Administration, which came just 15 days after his hearing.

“John Doe” has a high school education who had worked as an assembler of cell phones and in inventory for a national company for 15 years. After becoming disabled and after no longer working at that job, he attempted to work again but was unable to continue because of his disabilities.

The Administrative Law Judge’s ruling in John Doe’s favor followed a disability hearing, at which attorney Neil H. Good presented information about John Doe’s medical impairments and conditions, in support of being granted disability. Information from John Doe’s doctors show he has proliferative and background diabetic retinopathy, traction retinal detachment, and insulin-dependent diabetes melitus which is uncontrolled, as well as peripheralneuropathy. He has charcot foot, a complication of diabetes that occurs with neuropathy. He gets foot ulcers and has difficulty walking. Some of the many medications he takes include Lantus, Nexium, Lasix, Zetia, Metapropol, and Folbee.

He is hyperparathyroid, and has osteodystrophy, defective bone formation, as well as hypertension and high cholesterol. The combined effects of all the physical impairments are greater than the effects of each and result in more than minimal limitation, attorney Good pointed out. John Doe is under continuing medical management.

At the conclusion of the pre-hearing memo, attorney Good wrote: (John Doe) “is completely disabled. WHEREFORE, due to the serious nature of Claimant’s disabilities, we are requesting a ruling based on the record as soon as possible.”

The fully favorable ruling came 15 days later. After nearly three years of struggles, John Doe learned he would receive disability benefits.