Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits with Diabetes

Are you or someone you know navigating the challenges of diabetes and curious about Social Security Disability benefits? Today, we’ll go over the intricacies of securing disability benefits for diabetes. Gain insights into the functional limitations that matter most. For a comprehensive guide on unlocking the SSD benefits you deserve, watch this short video.

By |2024-02-26T12:14:21-06:00February 26th, 2024|Blog, Various diseases and conditions|Comments Off on Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits with Diabetes

Applying for SSD Benefits with Severe Migraines

Do you suffer from chronic migraines? Migraines can cause major issues in your everyday life, but they can be difficult to prove with imaging technology. That’s why today, we’re going over everything you need to bring to Social Security to make sure you receive the disability benefits you’re entitled to. In general, judges are looking for consistency and continued evidence of harm. To learn more, check out this video.

By |2024-02-14T17:30:32-06:00February 13th, 2024|Blog, Various diseases and conditions|Comments Off on Applying for SSD Benefits with Severe Migraines